Friday, June 13, 2008

Outrigger Island

I know.. 2 posts in 1 day!

I forgot to tell you about Outrigger Island. That was the VBS that I just finished at my church in Houston. It was fun. The time just flew by! Before we knew it, I was time to go home.

I taught 3rd grade with another lady. She's like me. She's a young teacher. She teaches 3rd grade, so she knew what to expect. The kids were for the most part well behaved. We averaged 11 each day. That was a pretty good crowd. There were close to 200 workers and "wave riders" each day! That's a lot!

I liked the songs. I'll have to sing one for you some day. They're sorta catchy! Here's a preview of one: A-wiki B-wiki C-wiki are the keys you need to seeking Christianity. It has a "Jamaican feel".

Decorating was easy. Palm Trees, Lantern lights, seashells... Hawaii themed stuff!

My VBS this coming week is SonWorld Adventure Park... it's a carnival theme. Cotton candy and roller coasters! I should have fun decorating this one! I'll have to let you know about it next week!

Well.. until next time! I'm catchin' the next wave outta here! hehehe :D

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