Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Electricity is such a WONDERFUL thing!

Do you remember the high school chant we used to do?
"We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how 'bout you?"

Well.. this was my chant last night
"We've got power, yes we do. We've got power, how 'bout you?"

We've been without power since about Friday night/Saturday morning. We decided to stay here during the hurricane. We didn't have much damage here. We lost a tree in our backyard as well as some limbs and leaves. We had to clean out our fridge and freezer since we lost power. I guess that was a good thing. I've been needing to do that!

We haven't had school since Thursday. We'll go back this Thursday. I know the kids are probably ready to get back.. yeah right! :D I know I am. I'm tired of just sitting at home watching the same television coverage day and night. I was glad to see some regular programming was on tv last night. I didn't see the Cowboys game though. :(

I've talked to some of my friends who live up north of me in Spring. They still don't have power. They are having to use generators. Pray for them. I know it's probably getting hot and boring up there with no power. Pray for the rest of Houston and especially the Galveston area. If you've watched any of the news, you saw the devestation there is. It's going to take a LONG time to get back to some sort of normalcy.

Well.. I wanted to update you and let you know that I am doing okay. I hope that everyone else is doing okay as well.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Hunkering" Down

It's either time to start "hunkering" down or leave the homestead and head north. Hurricane Ike is on his way. I'm planning on staying here unless things get bad. Jim's Mom and Sister are here as well. We've got some water, food and batteries.

I have a bag packed and ready to go if they make us go. School is closed tomorrow. Depending on how bad the storm gets, we might not have it on Monday due to down power lines or whatever.

Pray for the people that are staying behind that live right on the coast. Pray for us that there isn't a lot of damage due to wind or tornadoes.

I'll blog once we're in the clear with everything and tell you how things went.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

3rd Week and still going!

It's the 3rd week of school. This is actually the first full week that we've been in school. The past 2 weeks we didn't go all week due to just starting or Labor Day. I haven't gained any kids, so my count still stands at 8. Things are going pretty well. I LOVE having a big room. I have a roller chair, so it's easy to roll to one side of the room when I'm working with one grade and then roll over and work with the other grade. It also makes things easier because I'm at their level when I'm writing things on the board.

My kids are pretty good. I have 2 behavior systems in my class. One is where they have their name on a clip and they have to move it through our color chart if they are bad. They start on Green 1 and then move to Green 2, Yellow then Red. Luckily I haven't had anyone get to Red yet. I hope it doesn't start either. The other system is a "gold coin". They can earn these by doing something without being told to, being a good friend and things like that. When you get 10 coins, you can go into the "treasure box". I have been told that I have a pretty neat treasure box. :) I've already had a few get to go there. I hope they continue to be good. I know they can do it.

Other than school, not much is going on. I've just been going to school, coming home and doing a few things around the house and that's about it.

Well.. It's getting close to school being out. Yes.. I am writing at school. No.. my students are not in the room. They are at Art right now, so I had a few minutes. Good grief! Do you think I would write on my blog while school was in session!?! What kind of a teacher do you think I am!?! :)

(Don't answer that last question rhetorically!)