Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've been playing Hide and Go Seek but you found me!

Okay... so you're probably beginning to ask yourself, "Where is the world have I been?!?". I haven't blogged in over a month. Shame on me. Well.. it's been a long month, let me tell you.

First it was the hurricane and dealing with all the aftermath of it. Then I had to deal with getting back into the swing of things at school. Who knew that being out of school for almost a week would do that to you?!? Now that I think I have things at school under control, it's time for Parent/Teacher conference and report cards. Good grief! Is it summer yet!?! Just kidding! I could use a little mini break though. Hmm.. Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Anyways... more importantly, the past week has been kinda rough for my family. My mom, who is 61, just got diagnosed with breast cancer. She is dealing with it well from my standpoint. The way she found out was that she went in for her normal mammogram and the doctors found what they thought to be a cyst. They did a needle biopsy to determine the status of it. It turned out to be cancer. She has to masses. One is 2.4 cm in length and the other is 0.6 cm. She is planned to have a lumpectomy on Thursday, October 30th. That all depends on the pre-op things she needs to have done, which have to be pre-approved by insurance. If all goes according to plan, she will have her surgery then. They are hopeful that they will not have to do any kind of chemo or radiation, but it all depends on what the pathology report says.

I don't know anything else at the moment. Continue to keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. We could use it right now. I'm excited though because I will get to see them this weekend. They are coming down to celebrate my sister's and Lillie's birthdays. It should hopefully be a good time.

Well.. I have some things for school to get finished, so I'll sign off for now. I will try harder to blog more. :D

1 comment:

Amber S. said...

Your mom - as well as you, Kelly, and your Dad - are definitely in our thoughts and prayers. I am glad that you get to see them this weekend!!