Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it summer yet?

Yes.. it is almost summer time. We get out of school on May 29th. After that I can officially say that I made it through my 1st year of teaching, even though I've already been subbing. That technically doesn't count towards retirement though! Darn! :D I've got a ways to go to get to that point though.

It's been a good year. I had to learn 2 new and totally different curriculum programs for my grades. I got to see what I like and didn't like about the curriculum. I know now what I want to do differently for next year. You're first year is usually difficult than the rest. Hopefully next year, it will be a breeze! Ha!

Well... I think I know what I'm going to be doing this summer. I'm planning on spending some of my time here in Houston and some back in Dallas with my family. My friend, Jeremy is coming over from England and I'll spend some time with him. We're also supposed to be going to a family reunion in Tennessee in August, but with the gas prices like they are, we may not go. I'm also doing 2 back-to-back VBS(Vacation Bible School for those that don't know). That should be fun! I'll have to post about them when I get done.

We're having a Revival this week and church and it's GREAT!! I love the speaker. He's cool. He's funny but also knows what he's talking about. It starts early, so I better go and get something to eat before I have to leave to go.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Amber S. said...

When you're in the DFW area during the summer, be sure to let us know! The boys and I am up for meeting up for lunch one day. :-) BTW, I noticed the new and improved title - I like it!